Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stealth Book Shopping

Now that we've publicly announced Lisa's pregnancy, we can actually share all of the fun adventures that come with it. This one comes from a month or so ago.

Shortly after finding out she was pregnant, Lisa wanted to get the book What to Expect When You're Expecting. We wanted to keep the pregnancy to ourselves for a while, so we had to figure out a way to get the book without people knowing. I suggested getting it online, but Lisa didn't want to have to wait that long. So, one Saturday we set out for some stealth book shopping.

The first stop was Borders. We both like bookstores so we meandered a little looking at different stuff. Then it was time to execute our plan. We needed to quickly find the book, purchase it, and safely make it to the car without being caught by anyone we know. So, we start looking around for it, while also keeping an eye out for anyone we might know. We had a little bit of trouble finding it. A few times we were asked if we needed any help finding anything, and we always responded with a quick, "No thanks." After circling the store 3 times with no luck, we found a section about women's health. We were both looking for it in there when Lisa decides to walk away and look elsewhere. I didn't know she had left and later found myself alone looking through books about women's health. Awkward. We eventually gave up and decided to give Walmart a try.

When we arrived at Walmart, we headed over to the book section and I kept a lookout for anyone we knew. Walmart presented a much higher risk of running into someone we knew. Lisa found the book there, and we carefully scanned the store once more. We then hurried over to the self-checkout and anxiously bought the book. We slipped it into the bag and hurried out to the car. Mission accomplished.

It has been a good and informative book to read through. Since we bought the book, we always had to make sure we hid it back in our bedroom so that no one would see it when they came over. It's nice not to have to worry about that now, but it was a fun little exercise in covert operations.


  1. So...I didn't mean to leave Dan stranded in the Women's Health section...I thought he was following me. :)

  2. I think you guys are hilarious. Lisa, don't feel even a little guilty, Dan's got to get used to that stuff!
