Saturday, October 1, 2011


One of the things that I have really liked about the layout of our house is that there is a little den right next to the kitchen. It is perfect for James to play in while I am in the kitchen because there is a little step up into the kitchen which has been very effective in keeping James contained...until now. On Thursday I was in the kitchen putting mozzarella cheese into smaller bags to put into the freezer. James was playing happily by the step. I was keeping an eye on him as I worked. I turned to put everything into the freezer. I closed the door and turned to go pick up my baby only to find that he had climbed up the step and was scooting towards me happily! I was shocked, but in a good way. I had no idea that James knew how to do that. At the same time I was a little sad because I hadn't seen him climb up. He did it the next day too, only I missed it then as well. :( FINALLY I got to see him climb up as Dan and I were eating dinner Friday night. Then tonight I caught him on video as he was trying to get to his Daddy. :)

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