Sunday, October 24, 2010

October Tales

So Dan and I haven't written much lately because we haven't had too much to write here are some of the short stories from our last couple weeks.

Short story #1: As those of you who read this blog know, I've been able to feel our little boy kick for a little while now. :) I very much like this feeling and I've really wanted Dan to be able to feel him kick too. A few days ago Dan finally felt the baby kick! I was very excited. Dan had his hand on my stomach and I kept trying to move it to the general area that the baby was kicking at. The baby gave a good hard kick and Dan thought he might have felt something. Then it happened again. :) Now we get to wait until the baby kicks so hard that we can see his foot poke out.

Short story #2: Dan and I went over to his parents house last Monday and we carved pumpkins for FHE. Cleaning the pumpkin was gooey and gross as always. I stuck my hand inside first and I made sure to share some of that first handful of goop with my husband. I think he liked it. ;) Anyway, we carved a totally awesome pumpkin that sort of looks like a ghost or like someone that is very nervous about something-like he's glancing over his shoulder. When everyone else was done with their pumpkins, we lined them up in a row and ours was on the end. It looked like it was scared of Dan's brother's pumpkin. We may post pictures later....right now we can't access them.

Short story #3: Yesterday our ward had our practice for our primary program. Dan got to come help us set up for the practice, then he got to run around and pick up ice and pizza for us to feed to the kids after the practice. He was very sweet to help and we very much appreciated his help. The practice was, of course, chaotic; but things went much more smoothly today. The kids were still a bit restless, but they were 100 times better than yesterday. Of course we did have the kid who said, "God's only Forgotten Son," instead of "God's only Begotten Son." We also had sunbeams, who really just can't sit still for THAT long, that started playing peek-a-boo with the congregation and other fun things like that. But you know what, that's part of what makes the primary program so much fun. :)

Short story #4: Dan and I finally saw Toy Story 3!!! I highly recommend it. We have a friend who was working as an intern for Pixar and he got to work on that movie a little bit. We looked for his name in the credits but we couldn't find it. Still, it is an awesome movie and I would watch it again.

Short story #5: Apparently it is the season for boy babies. Between my friends and my ward, I know of 7 women who are expecting. 4 of the 7 are having boys, 1 is having a girl, and the other 2 don't know yet.

Short story #6: Dan and I are starting a new family Halloween tradition. We are going to watch the movie, "The Burbs," every Halloween. For those of you who have not seen it, watch it and let me know what you think. It is a good movie to watch on Halloween.

Well, that's about all that I can think to write about right now. We'll try to not wait another 2 weeks before posting again. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And the baby is..................

Healthy! Lol, I know what you all wanted to know was that the baby is..........bigger than expected!! Wait, still not what you expected to see? Hmmmm...let's try this again...the baby is............A BOY!!!

Dan and I got to go in for our 20 week ultrasound today...though he (the baby) is measuring in at about 21 and a half weeks. It was really cool to see the ultrasound. We both enjoyed watching the baby kick and twist and turn. We got to see so many different angles. We got to see his heart and other organs too. The nurse pointed out everything and told us about how the blood is suppose to flow in his brain and heart. It was really cool to see how everything is developing. We got to see his little feet. :)

The nurse asked us if we wanted to know if the baby was a boy or a girl. She wanted to make sure she didn't spoil any surprises. Luckily, we both wanted to know. I say luckily, because Dan and I had both already both seen what we needed to see to know that the baby is in fact a boy.

The baby kept kicking the sensor thing that the nurse was using to look at him. It tickled when he'd kick it. He likes to move around a lot, in fact he's been kicking for most of the time that I've been writing this post. Dan and I are both very excited to be able to hold him and play with him. It was so much fun to be able to see him today. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stay Tuned.....

This is a very exciting week for both Lisa and I. On Tuesday, we go to have the ultrasound for the baby! We both are very eager to find out if we will be having a boy or a girl. This whole time both of us have thought it will be a boy, and we always refer to the baby as a he, and we talk about our son a lot. I feel like if the they say it's a girl, I'm going to want to ask, "are you sure?" We'll see if we're right.... In the meantime, here are some funny little stories about the baby from today.

Today in church, baby was having a lot of fun with mommy. Lisa said he kept kicking her in just the right spot that was super ticklish. Right during sacrament meeting, Lisa had to work really hard to hold back laughter since it ticked so much. I'm just thinking, "Great, our child already has reverence issues....." :)

Later, we were out driving, and Lisa leaned over and kissed me. When she did so, it caused some pain in her stomach so she said, "oh, baby didn't like that. He's probably saying, 'Ew! Too much PDA mom and dad!'" To this I quickly responded, "PDA is how you got there son!" Then my brain reminded me what the P stands for in that acronym. I had to quickly insert a "Wait, that's not true." There was nothing P about the DA that got him in there. :)

Check back in on Tuesday with the big news! And if you already haven't done so, vote on our poll. We'll see who's right!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kicks and Giggles

During the past 2 weeks, I started to feel the baby kicking. :) It is a very good feeling and the kicks seem to get more frequent and stronger as time passes. Sometimes when the baby kicks it seems like the baby's trying to tell Dan and I something. For example, the baby likes barbecue. :) I went to Goodwood with some co-workers to celebrate a co-worker's last day because he'd gotten a job more suited to his family and when I got back to work the baby started kicking a lot. I think the baby enjoyed the food more than I did. :)

During conference the baby started kicking when one of the speakers started to talk about parenting. It was almost as if the baby was saying, "Pay attention Mom!" The baby did the same thing today while I was listening to KSL radio at work. A Mormon Ad came on that said, "Mom, Dad, if you love us you'll ask the important questions." The baby kicked again. :)

The baby also apparently wants Daddy to change all of the stinky diapers because when Dan and I were talking about that, the baby kicked to indicate that he agreed with me! :)