Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sweet Baby James and other adventures

There is a song by James Taylor called "Sweet Baby James." I like the chorus because it's a good little lullaby for our sweet baby James...though the lyrics may need to be slightly altered....

Goodnight you moonlight ladies
Rockabye sweet baby James
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose
Won't you let me go down in my dreams
And rockabye sweet baby James

Stephanie, you need to figure out how to play this chorus on the uke and then you need to come over, tune my uke, and teach me how to play it. :)

On another note....I am getting more scatterbrained by the day. Last Thursday James and I were going to take Dan lunch at work. I made some sandwiches, put them in a bag along with a granola bar, put James in his car seat, grabbed my phone and put it in the diaper bag that has become my new purse, and then remembered that while I had made the lunch, it was still sitting on the kitchen table. So I set the bag down next to my keys and then grabbed Dan's lunch, the diaper bag, the baby, and I left, locking the door behind me. As soon as I shut the door I realized that I had forgotten to grab my keys. Because my house keys are on the same key chain as my car keys, I had also managed to lock James and myself out of the house. NOT GOOD. I called Dan and informed him that I was having a "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day." I then explained what had happened and I asked my handsome husband to come rescue us. Luckily he works close to home and was able to be there in a few minutes. On the least I didn't forget the baby!

1 comment:

  1. LOL You'll get the hang of it. Another month or two, you'll be juggling like a pro. ;D
