Saturday, May 22, 2010

Plans gone wrong

Last night Dan and I planned to make pizza and root beer popsicles and to watch a movie for our Friday night date night. Well....things started out fine, but our date night quickly became plagued by unexpected problems. The first, and biggest problem, was the pizza. When making a pizza using a pizza stone and pizza paddle, you need to make sure that the pizza crust will slide off of the pizza paddle before you put the toppings onto the pizza crust. I did this. What I failed to account for was the fact that Dan and I loaded our pizza with so many toppings that it became far too heavy to simply slide of the paddle. It was stuck. We tried various methods to slide it off, but to no we ended up folding it nearly in half and just pushing the doughy, topping mess onto the pizza stone in the oven. Our once beautiful pizza pie turned into a calzone like pizza glob. (If anyone has a good pizza dough recipe, please share it!)

The next snag in the night was our root beer popsicles. Does anyone remember those popsicle mold things that you could pour juice into and stick in the freezer? Dan and I used one of our Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards to purchase a couple of these. Well freezing carbonation doesn't really work too well...the popsicles ended up being mostly air bubbles with pockets of flavor. They were pretty good, but not quite what we'd pictured... Finally, the movie we chose to watch (The Sandlot) began skipping towards end of the movie...where Small's mom starts to tell him about who Babe Ruth was. (I love that part!...well I love most of that movie.)

However, despite these setbacks, the night was actually a huge success. Our pizza glob mess actually tasted really, really good. We put the partially frozen root beer pops into some glasses and we smashed them up and added more root beer to make root beer slushies that were most excellent. :) And the movie was easily fixed. We just had to take it out and clean off the DVD and it worked just fine. Overall, it was an excellent evening!

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