Sunday, August 15, 2010


WARNING: This post contains information that may be considered by some to fall in the category of T.M.I, also known as Too Much Information. Proceed reading at your own caution.

One of the 'joyous' parts about being pregnant is the ever present morning sickness. For those of you who don't know too much about pregnancy or morning sickness, let me start by saying that the name is misleading. Morning sickness is NOT just a morning thing. It is an all day long thing and it is not pleasant. Hopefully (fingers crossed, which is making typing very difficult) I'm almost done with the morning sickness phase of my pregnancy. However, having to deal with throwing up 2 to 3 times per day has given me some time to reflect on throwing up and I have realized a few things.

1. What you eat plays a large part in the pleasant or unpleasantness of the throwing up experience. For example, pizza is not an enjoyable food to have come back up your throat. It stings and burns and it doesn't taste at all like the initial pizza did. However, certain other foods can actually be sort of pleasant to throw up. For example, try drinking a glass of that chocolate Instant Breakfast and then a glass of grape juice before throwing up. The result is vomit that tastes like a grape Tootsie Pop. That was probably the most enjoyable combination that I found.

2. Drinking large amounts of liquid helps greatly. It is much easier to throw up when you are well hydrated. It helps to minimize the chunkiness of the throw up, as well as the number of chunks that get caught in your throat, causing you to gag more. (Remember, I warned you about this post before you read it...if you want to stop reading now I won't blame you.)

3. Throwing up when you don't have anything in your stomach to throw up is not a pleasant experience. Bile is bitter and gross and awful to throw up so it's always better to have something in your stomach than to have an empty stomach when morning sickness hits.

However, despite all of the morning sickness and falling asleep at random times, the hoped for outcome is well worth all of the unpleasantness of morning sickness. I think I may be starting to get past all of it...I didn't throw up at all on Friday or Saturday. :) That is a very good thing.


  1. You poor girl! I hope you get over that part soon and that the rest of your pregnancy is more enjoyable. I quite enjoyed reading this--very amusing. :)

  2. Grape Tootsie Pop! LOL!! I love you, Lisa!

  3. :) It's ok Julina, the morning sickness should be going away soon.

    Jennie, I like that you liked the part about the Grape Tootsie Pop. :) That's my favorite part.
