Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An New Tale From India

Ok, now that you know about my experience in India, I can now tell the tale from last Thursday night. It may be a little anti-climatic, but here we go.

I was just watching some late-night TV on the Discovery channel while I was unwinding from my basketball game. While I was watching this one show, a little thing showed up on the bottom the screen basically saying "On Next: Impaled." I saw that and thought to myself, "Impaled? What kind of show is that?" I thought maybe it would be some documentary about the history of impaling or about some guy that impaled people or something like that. My curiosity forced me to stay tuned and see what it was.

Well, at the very beginning of the show it had a warning about disturbing images and what not. It was this show about these people who had somehow survived being impaled. It was pretty crazy some of the stuff that happened to these people. Well, one was about this guy in India. He took a taxi to work everyday, and he usually snoozed on the way to work. Well, one day he was snoozing and he was jolted awake after the car had gone over these big potholes. He found that the driver had fallen asleep. As soon as it mentioned the driver falling asleep in the show, my first thought was, "That could have been me!!!" The car crashes into this debris on the side of the road, and the guy gets impaled by this big metal rod. It just barely misses his heart. It just showed me how fortunate and blessed we were that our driver never fully fell asleep. Being impaled is not on my list of things to do in my lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very glad that being impaled is not on your list of things to do.
