Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Alterations are not fun. Today I had to go in for an alterations appointment. It was a lot like going to the dentist or a doctors appointment. . . wait for an hour and then spend about 10 minutes talking to the seamstress. I learned something today too, never go to an alterations appointment alone. Not only is it very boring, but it is awfully hard to put a wedding dress on by yourself. I sat in the dressing room for about 5 minutes trying to zip it up. Finally I was able to flag someone down to help me. Also, it gets very boring waiting for the seamstress, having someone there to talk to would have helped immensely. Last of all, it is nice to have someone who actually cares about you to give you advice as to all the in's and out's about the different things that can be done to a dress. I now know that getting a wedding dress is far more complicated than simply picking a dress to wear...jeans and a tshirt look better every day.


  1. Remember our deal. If you wear jeans and a t-shirt, then I'll wear my gym shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops.

  2. :) You should have told me that BEFORE I bought the dress and had it altered. So sad...I guess you have to wear your suit now. :)

  3. You should have taken it to Mom to alter, she used to do things like that for a living.

  4. Really? I knew that she made at least one wedding dress and that she can sew but I didn't know that she had done that for a living. That's pretty cool.

  5. I remembered her talking about making your dress...and I was thinking that she had made Robyn's as well but I couldn't remember.
