Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So, last Saturday, Lisa and I registered for our wedding at Target. It was nice to get done, and it was fun walking around with the scanning gun and all that. It all worked out pretty well, and there isn't really much to write about except for two things.
  1. Later that night, I checked the registry online just to make sure it worked and everything looked good. So, I'm looking through it, and there's three or four things that just say "This item is no longer available." That's all it says. Nothing there about what is no longer available. That irks me a little, because I would like to know what is no longer available so that we can register for a similar item. There's no way we can remember everything we scanned, and then now somehow know these few items that aren't available anymore. I really don't know what to do about it. Hopefully they weren't anything we really wanted.

  2. I know one item we scanned that is no longer on the list - the wonder that is Reese's Shell. Lisa happened to spot it, and wanted me to scan it. I had no objection. That has to be the most awesome thing that could ever be put on ice cream (except for maybe millions of dollars that would be used to buy more Reese's Shell. But I digress). We both wanted to see that on the registry, but to our dismay, it is most likely "no longer available." So, if you're wanting to get us something for the wedding, but just can't decide what to get. Remember this one simple fact: You can never go wrong with Reese's Shell. So, now when we get 200 things of that pure deliciousness, we will feast upon it's unending goodness for months to come!
So, anyway, that has been our registering experience thus far. Hopefully there will be less snags in the future. The End.


  1. Reese Shell is awesome! Dan introduced me to the wonderful world of Reese Shell after we started dating. If you don't know what it is, find it and try it and you too can become a fan of the wonderful goodness of the Reese Shell.

    This is what it looks like:


  2. Sometimes, some things aren't available because somebody bought them...don't check back!!!

  3. LOL I love that you registered for a dessert topping. You two are awesome.

  4. No, that's not it Gina. It tells us right on there what's been bought from our registry. Those things just said that they were no longer available.

  5. Gross???!!!! How can you say that?! Do you not like Reese's stuff at all? Because if you like Reese's, then you're just lying.

  6. Well, I guess it didn't work, because I can't find you guys on there at all!

  7. I love Reese's cups but I do not prefer it on my ice cream. If you must know, every time I eat it my stomach and bowels get a little unsettled.

  8. Ok, I can understand not wanting to eat it if it causes undesirable side effects. But you still like the taste of the Reese's shell don't you?
