Saturday, January 23, 2010

Asking a Girl to Marry You

While Lisa is out having the time of her life shopping for a wedding dress right now I have time to post a thing or two on here. I was just about to write a long (and probably boring) rant about how my Christmas video for Lisa was pulled off of the blog. She tried putting it on facebook back around Christmas time, when it was pulled off of there a day or two afterward. I was afraid the same thing had happened here. So, I was going to write a long rant about how stupid that is, when lo and behold, it is available again today. So, if you haven't seen it yet, you should probably go check it out. :) So, fortunately, there is no need to rant this morning. Just a really long introduction into how I eventually came to ask Lisa to marry me.

By about mid-October of last year, I knew that I wanted Lisa to marry me. It was exciting to be dating a girl that I was confident I could marry. But then the question came to me, "How in the world to I go about making it happen?" I probably spent 2 or 3 weeks just trying to figure out how I would ask her. Do I go and do everything behind her back and make it a complete surprise? Or do I try to somehow get us talking about it, and have her help in doing the necessary steps? I had gotten pretty good at the whole go on a few dates with a girl, one of the two of us lose interest, and then begin looking for new prospect cycle. I had never been down the Ask a Girl to Marry You trail before. I consulted with some friends, but really, I think everyone's journey on that trail is unique, so one way or the other, I was going to have to blaze my own. Finally, it was November 5th, 2009 and we were returning home from a big multi-stake activity at the Spring Haven Lodge in Hobble Creek Canyon. It was a fairly long drive home, and early on in our conversation we started talking about how people had been placing bets on us as to when we would be getting married. Well, I started seeing opportunities for us to talk specifically about us getting married. Little by little that is what our conversation developed into. I'm not really sure how it happened, but by the time we got home, we had pretty much decided we were going to marry each other. Lisa has since told me that I was fidgeting a bunch with her a hand while we were talking, showing my obvious nerves, but I was so glad we had that conversation.

After that, everything was pretty easy. 6 days later her sister got married, and after we got home from the reception, we decided to peruse online for a ring. We found one she liked, so I decided to go ahead and order it. Not long after, I talked to her dad, and he graciously accepted my request to marry his daughter. Then I just had to figure out how to do the proposal. I had already known for a long time I wanted to do it in her meadow in Provo Canyon. The trick was how to get up there without her knowing what I was doing. So, as she mentioned, I blindfolded her, and drove her around some to gt her lost. It was a lot of fun. I may need to do it again sometime. So, anyway, I'm driving through the canyon, and I'm sure she's going to figure out where we're going. Sure enough, she did before we got to our final destination. I did my best to make her doubt where we were walking to, but she knew. A few times I thought maybe I had gone too far, and I was afraid I was going to get us completely lost, but finally the meadow appeared. I had her uncover her eyes, and as she did so, I went to my knees. When she saw me on my knees, I simply said, "Lisa, will you marry me?" She was a dear and said "yes" right away, and we hugged.

So, I successfully (with a lot of help) navigated my way through the Ask a Girl to Marry You path. Now, I'm making may way through the new Get Everything Planned for the Wedding trail, which will be followed by many more crazy and exciting ones. The best part though, is I get to go with Lisa on all of these journeys. And that makes me so happy. :)


  1. I'm very happy to be making this journey with Dan as well! He's amazing, it is true.

  2. Cute story! Thanks so much for sharing. :D

  3. Thats a cute proposal story:) I know what you mean about Lisa and the element of suprise... there is none, she figures out everything in advance. She's like a female Sherlock Holmes.....
