Friday, January 22, 2010

Wedding Dress Shopping

Tomorrow I am going to go wedding dress shopping with my Mom and my sisters. I've been told that wedding dress shopping is such a fun experience. A co-worker told me that the wedding dress is the most important thing and that I need to find a dress that just makes me shine. So many people seem to be so excited about the wedding dress. But truthfully, I can't say that I am all together too excited about getting the wedding dress. I kind of just want to get this done and out of the way. I do think that I will enjoy it more than I am anticipating, but right now I am dreading the experience. I was talking to Dan about all of this and he suggested just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He was joking but I think it might be a good idea. ;)

Wish me luck...please.....


  1. Good luck! :D You will find an amazing dress that makes you feel like a princess!!!

  2. My mom made mine...and then Samson peed all over it. Better luck with yours.

  3. What hasn't that dog peed on? Lisa's dog is a girl, so hopefully we'll have better luck. :)

  4. You could use mine...but it'd need to be cleaned. :)
